free, only at Bale Dian Bags, crochet witt wool yarn
crochet with wool yarn, i had learned this from my cousin Enca, she is master of crochet, her hand so fast when touching the yarn. and i'm trying to follow her now. she so fast, and i felt despondent, huhhh,, so hard!! but isn't Dian Sispayani if she give up before fight. oke let's we try again and again, and..taraaaaaa look at the picture, 4 small wallet for HP only 1 day, hmmm, good job. and directly i have an idea. Like I give this wallet free if our customer buy a bag, get the bag and you will get the wallet for free. This method for promotion when I read in one of book, how to increase product selling. I trying to learn anything as a good beginner entrepreneur.